Welcome to Fire-fit! New and updated thru 2020!!!


This 12-month all-encompassing program is design specifically for Police/Law Enforcement in the achievement of your goals and maximization of your daily life.... with nearly 3 decades and literally thousands of clients/trainee's worth of experience behind it.


With Fire-fit, every single aspect of your goal: strength, conditioning, planning, sleep and diet and more.......are all covered in your extensive and comprehensive Year Long program. Your program has been designed specifically to maximize BOTH.....all of your natural potential and to obtain or enhance other valuable skills that did not come to you so naturally.


When you have completed your full lifestyle changing year-long program this time next year.....You will be gifted with an extensive "book knowledge of fitness and diet" AND have the benefits of a years' worth of "trial & error / experimenting" with your personal preferences, needs and requirements as an individual......to REALLY find how that knowledge applies to YOU and YOUR goals.


Your Fire-fit manual will also become your future roadmap for years to come....as the collection of all your training and nutritional experiences ( Both good or bad) that will give you the expertise about yourself to become your own "Trainer" or "Coach" for the rest of your life! In all areas. Nutrition, Exercise, Cardio, Resistance / weight training and etc etc!


FYI: ---- I strongly recommend the paperback ----


This is because we will have laid out your entire upcoming year of nearly everything in your program manual encompassing your entire fitness program ( about 300-ish pages).

Lists, Checklists, Fill-in's, Forms, trackers, counters and many different methods for tracking your daily, weekly and monthly progress.


About Me.......My "Clients List" includes:

-NFL players (One with a Super Bowl ring),

-UFC fighters ( 2 World Champs) ,

-Fitness models ( several champions and one Arnold winner),

-Las Vegas performers,


- Fortune 100 CEO's and even a few TV stars back in the day.


BOTTOM LINE: I specialize in getting clients "Performance/Competition Ready".....while at the same time .......getting your life maximized to its full potential!